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Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds 2021

Dogtanian is a young swordsman who dreams of joining the legendary Muskehounds. After proving his skills and earning their trust, he and the Muskehounds must defend the King from the evil Cardinal Richelieu's secret plot to seize power.
5.5/10 IMDb
Animation Ignore the obvious fake reviews from shills, the crude animation would have looked bad 20 years ago and the charmless 3d renditions of the characters have none of the personality or details of the 80s cartoon. Even the crappy clipart 2d animation flashback scenes are infinitely better than the awful, barely animated CG that looks like a student project As an 80s kid who loved the original I was nostalgia baited into watching this disaster and regret every minute. Absolutely unnecessary and a totally pointless remake that misses the mark in every way.